Eric Berlin

Puzzles – Politics – Personal

More Solve-at-Home Escape Rooms

Did you find your way here after solving “Escape Room,” my New York Times Sunday crossword? Then you might enjoy two other pencil-puzzle escape rooms I’ve created. Unlike the NYT puzzle, where everything was packed into a single grid, these past works are multi-puzzle events. A lot of different kinds of puzzles await you — these will definitely keep you solving for a while!

To download these other escape rooms, you’ll first need to make an account on my friend Foggy Brume’s Web site, P&A Magazine. Why? Because by solving puzzles and checking the answers, you’re going to “unlock” various things you’ll need to escape, and Foggy was good enough to set that all up for me. (And if you like truly challenging puzzles, you should subscribe to P&A!)

Having made your account, you can now pay what you want for my pencil-puzzle escape rooms. These are…

  • ACPT Escape The Room: Originally commissioned by Will Shortz and run for hundreds of people simultaneously at the 2016 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. Eight puzzles, with an emphasis on crosswords but with some variety as well.
  • Escape The Haunted Library: A commission from the Connecticut Library Association and run as a team event at their 2017 convention. Eight puzzles, with a little more variety than the ACPT event.

Happy solving, and good luck escaping!