Eric Berlin

Puzzles – Politics – Personal

Coming soon: Puzzled Pint!

On Tuesday, February 11, I’ll be the featured puzzlemaker at Puzzled Pint! Solve a few fun puzzles and have a drink or two while you’re doing it!

Click the link to see if the event is hosted in your city. If it is, here’s how to find out which bar to attend: This coming Friday, a “location puzzle” will go live on the Puzzled Pint Web site. Solve that (it won’t be hard, and there will be hints), type in your answer, and you’ll see a list of cities and bars.

Alas, Puzzled Pint isn’t hosted anywhere near me, so I won’t be able to watch my puzzles get solved. If you do attend, let me know how it goes!

4 responses to “Coming soon: Puzzled Pint!”

  1. Karen Avatar

    I’m excited for this! Never been to it before, but it’s in my city so I will definitely try it.

    1. Eric Berlin Avatar
      Eric Berlin

      That’s wonderful! I hope you have a great time. Let me know how it goes!

      1. Karen Avatar

        It was fun, and your puzzles were absolutely perfect! Each one was delightful, and they were just the right difficulty for me. Twice I thought I was stuck, and then I realized something to try which worked. I solved alone this time, but I have some friends who might join me next month. I never would have heard of the Puzzled Pint if not for you, so thanks!

        1. Eric Berlin Avatar
          Eric Berlin

          You’re very welcome! So glad you enjoyed it!