1) ✈✈✈ Galactic Trendsetters ✈✈✈ created an extraordinary online world to explore over the course of their Hunt, with Easter eggs and online games and a jillion puzzles to unlock and solve. Any feelings of doubt Hunters may have had about not being able to gather on campus for a “real” hunt were blown away the first time they entered this world and saw a sprawling cartoon version of MIT laid out for everyone’s enjoyment. If the Mystery Hunt continues for another 100 years, people will still be talking about this one.
2) My team, Palindrome, won — we found the coin in a virtual vending machine down the hall from where our real-life HQ has been in past years.
3) And because we won, and therefore have a Hunt of our own to prepare for 2022, I am already far too busy to provide more of a wrap-up than this.
2 responses to “My Mystery Hunt 2021 Wrapup”
Good luck; that bar is raised damn high!
I know the virtual-only event is sad for those who normally would be there in person, but it gave many people like me (who had only dreamed of participating) the chance to experience it ourselves. It was an amazing event and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was fortunate to join a wonderful team, which was not competing to win but was good enough to get to most of the puzzles. I’m pretty sure your blog is where I first heard about the hunt, years ago. Congrats on the win, and I’m sure next year’s event will be great!