Eric Berlin

Puzzles – Politics – Personal

Fraternal Twins Makes Its NYT Debut!

Fraternal Twins is a variety form I created years ago for my Puzzlesnacks subscribers. The puzzle takes the form of two curvy grids. Letters in each corresponding six-space section are identical, but are not presented in the same order — so a knack for scrambling letters will come in very handy when solving this.

I showed Fraternal Twins to Will Shortz a couple of years ago, and he liked the idea enough to ask me to make a slightly larger puzzle. The result can be seen this weekend in the New York Times Sunday Magazine. For those of you who don’t get the physical newspaper, however, go ahead and click the link below and you can try the puzzle for yourself!

If you enjoy this puzzle, you’ll find more of them in my most recent download-and-solve Puzzlesnacks collections, Festival and Gala, along with many other variety types you’ll rarely see anywhere else.

Try my NYT Fraternal Twins

5 responses to “Fraternal Twins Makes Its NYT Debut!”

  1. Richard Paul Avatar
    Richard Paul

    I guess I’m getting too old for this. I couldn’t make any sense of what I was trying to do in tis puzzle. I definitely needed more explanation about the rules. Veryfrustrating.

  2. Lilac Avatar

    Great puzzle. I enjoyed all the layers and tricks to sorting answers out. Where can we get the answer key, Eirc? We could not find it in the magazine.

    1. Eric Berlin Avatar
      Eric Berlin

      I believe the puzzle answers are printed one week later in the Sunday Magazine.

  3. Sharon Avatar

    I don’t get the directions at all. Even though I got the first two answers on each twin, I believe. I have no idea how to proceed from there.

  4. Arline Cazes Avatar
    Arline Cazes

    Very confusing. Got all the clues. But it made little sense