Author: Eric Berlin
Bookspace: The 2022 MIT Mystery Hunt: The Puzzles
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It remains to be seen whether I will write a more extensive post about what it’s like to help make a Mystery Hunt — I thought I would, but I’m…
Spaghetti Time
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It’s National Spaghetti Day! As I’m sure the originators of this annual celebration intended, let’s celebrate by playing a nutty word game! In many puzzle events, solvers face a wide…
Star Rats: The Prologue to the 2022 MIT Mystery Hunt
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One month from now, the 2022 edition of the MIT Mystery Hunt will begin. I’ve been working on it all year with my friends on Team Palindrome, and we’re very…
Stephen Sondheim
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Many years ago, Games magazine ran a feature article about Stephen Sondheim and his passion for puzzles. His home was stuffed with mechanical puzzles, we were told. He was instrumental…
Wild Goose Chase
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A new puzzle hunt! Originally commissioned by the Mohonk Mountain House, “Wild Goose Chase” is a challenging ten-puzzle suite. It seems there is a mischievous goose running amok in a…
The Wonderful World of Words
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Each year in mid-November, the Mohonk Mountain House, a stunningly beautiful resort in New Paltz, NY, presents “The Wonderful World of Words,” a weekend of puzzles and interesting lectures about…
Another Jelly Roll
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I’m back in the New York Times this weekend with a new Jelly Roll variety puzzle, a form I invented and really enjoy constructing. I hope you like it!
The 2021 National Puzzlers’ League Convention
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I have not had a difficult pandemic, certainly not in comparison to many others. It was easy enough to work at home; it was similarly easy to hunker down with…
National Puzzlers’ League Convention Handout: Supersized Patchwork
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Greetings from Washington, D.C., where I am one of the not-as-many-attendees-as-usual-thanks-to-the-pandemic at the 2022 convention of the National Puzzlers’ League. It is great to see so many of my friends…