Author: Eric Berlin
Mad Dash
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The annual convention of the National Puzzlers’ League was cancelled for this year, alas, but a whole bunch of us have gathered online for a weekend of puzzles and games,…
Grids For Good
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I am pleased to be one of the 44 constructors involved in this new charity puzzle project. Simply donate to one of many COVID-related or justice-related causes, send in your…
The Social Distancing Puzzles
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“The Social Distancing Puzzles” is live! Recently, some rather important things have taken our attention away from the coronavirus pandemic, but the pandemic is not over, and the economic effects…
Coming Soon: The Social Distancing Puzzles
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There’s an awful lot going on in the world right now. With the headlines focused (as well they should be) on the protests for racial justice, it’s easy to place…
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I’ll have a brand-new variety puzzle in this weekend’s New York Times. Solve it in the magazine on Sunday or online if you’re a subscriber!
Stuck at Home? You Need Puzzles
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Updated June 10, 2020. I saw an article the other day that there has been a mad run on jigsaw puzzles. Okay, that’s understandable. They’re good time-killers; they keep the…
Poughkeepsie Book Festival
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Coming up on April 4th, I’ll be one of many authors (but almost certainly the only puzzlemaker) appearing at the Poughkeepsie Book Festival — I’ll be signing books and shouting…
“Circular Reasoning”
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The five-puzzle mini-suite I created for Puzzled Pint, “Circular Reasoning,” is now available on the Puzzled Pint Web site. There’s a whole lot of free puzzles here, so you might…
A Valentine’s Day Puzzle
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For over a year now, I’ve been posting a daily puzzle on Twitter, inspired by whatever the Word of the Day is, as presented by Merriam-Webster. It’s a fun morning…
Coming soon: Puzzled Pint!
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On Tuesday, February 11, I’ll be the featured puzzlemaker at Puzzled Pint! Solve a few fun puzzles and have a drink or two while you’re doing it! Click the link…