Author: Eric Berlin
Where To Find Great Puzzle Gifts
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Puzzle Your Kids is one of many, many puzzle-related gifts featured in two different holiday guides: PuzzleNation and Room Escape Artist. Between the two guides, I see about $5,000 worth…
More Solve-at-Home Escape Rooms
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Did you find your way here after solving “Escape Room,” my New York Times Sunday crossword? Then you might enjoy two other pencil-puzzle escape rooms I’ve created. Unlike the NYT…
Coming this Sunday: “Escape Room”
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My new crossword will be in the New York Times this Sunday, November 11! It’s called “Escape Room,” and yes, it’s an escape room in the form of a crossword…
Quests in the Enchanted Forest
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Last year I created a fun and unusual puzzle event for my local library’s annual fundraiser. The theme of their gala in 2017 was “Enchanted Forest,” so I decided to…
I’m a Thing To Do With The Kids This Weekend!
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“Catch That Ghost,” my puzzle event (not scavenger hunt, thank you) at the National Museum of Mathematics gets a nice write-up from Laurel Graeber in the New York Times. One small…
Double or Nothing
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In a “Double or Nothing,” each square in the grid gets either two letters or no letters at all. At least half the squares in every row or column will…
Word Searches for Kids
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Coming in 2019: Three different books of word searches, made just for kids! The first, Word Search Puzzles for the Weekend, drops on January 1, 2019. The other two will…
1 + 2 + 3
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RES __ ING Can you fill that blank with 1 letter, with 2 letters, and with 3 letters to make three common words… so that 1 + 2 + 3…
Double or Nothing
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In a “Double or Nothing,” each square in the grid gets either two letters or no letters at all. At least half the squares in every row or column will…
“How to Make a New York Times Crossword Puzzle”
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That’s the subject of my upcoming talk and demonstration at the Connecticut Science Center for their Adult Coffee Club, on Tuesday, November 6, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join…